Silent Word


These images are assembled through simple acts of scaling, mirroring, slight distortions and repetition. I attempt to extend this single frame to a point of exhaustion. What results are pictures of real spaces extended to a point of absurd implausibility. The photographic frame becomes a unit in the construction of a collapsible and superficial picture.

The single image that is used as a source for each work is a photograph of a bookshelf at a library, mostly containing encyclopedic catalog volumes with generic titles such as “Songs” and “Art Books” thus attempting a kind of totality in the limits of one microcosmic shelf.

The photograph, particularly, is a fitting vehicle for speaking of the antagonism between text and image since it occupies coordinates within both. As an indexical trace of the real world, it is inevitably image but as a selective frame, it undeniably remains a textual interpretive way of looking at the world.


One and Three


Everything is Found Wanting